Overcoming Your Fear of Failure as a Business Owner

What if I put my business and goals out there and people see me fail? Every business owner has this thought at one point or another. While it may be intimidating proclaiming your goals out loud, your fear of failure could be the thing keeping you from succeeding in your business. There are so many benefits to sharing your business goals with the world, despite your fear of judgement from others. Today, we are sharing a few reasons why your fear of failure shouldn’t prohibit you from moving forward!


First, proclaiming your vision out loud opens the doors to accountability! Often times, business owners run from accountability because it forces them to take ownership of their actions. When you overcome your fear of failure, you welcome in accountability. People seeing you fail can feel extremely vulnerable, but with the right accountability you will find yourself one step closer to success.

When you keep your goals and dreams to yourself, you will give yourself the “out” when it gets hard. However, when you share those goals and dreams with the world (despite your fear of judgement), it keeps you accountable to them! Being a business owner is difficult, and difficult times WILL come to your business. They come for every business owner, BUT when you have accountability you allow others to help your persevere through the hard times.

Part of taking ownership of your business and goals is proclaiming them to the world! You take ownership of the successes and the failures.

Inspiring Others

Second, when you view your goals from a selfless place, you’ll find that your fear of failure will keep you from inspiring others. Every single person who stepped out and inspired others had to overcome their fear of failure and judgment from others. When you reach your goals, you’re showing other people that they can do it too! Because of your consistency and devotion to your goals OUT LOUD, you are encouraging other people along the way to make the change. It isn’t just for you. 

Therefore, when you share your business goals with the world, start to view what you’re doing as inspiring others. Instead of viewing it as people standing back and judging you, view it as opportunities for inspiration. Many people may be in your exact same situation, looking for financial freedom. By sharing with others, you can encourage them that there are so many opportunities and possibilities for them as well!

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Personal Growth

Last, overcoming your fear of failure allows room for so much personal growth! While January 1st makes you feel like a new you, you’re really the exact same person as you were on December 31st. You still have the same fears, issues, and bad habits. It’s time to change that!

Willpower will only get you so far. You may have a few seasons of success with willpower and grit, BUT it will not be long lasting. While you’re developing your business, it is crucial that you continue developing yourself! Without the change within yourself, you will revert back to when things were comfortable. Therefore, your fear of failure will actually prohibit you from personal growth. It’s time to dig deeper and use this opportunity for more self-awareness. Start by asking yourself these questions:

Do I give up when things get tough?

Do I fall into a negative thought pattern?

Do I worry about what others may think of me?

Do I shut down?

Do I minimize my goals because I am afraid to fail?

You HAVE to become more self-aware in order to reach your goals. It isn’t about drive, grit, or willpower. You have to change the way you think about failure and success.Start by evaluating these things:

When do I make excuses?

What do I do when things aren’t working?

When do I tend to fall into a negative mindset?

What makes me want to quit?

When you identify those answers, you can make changes to your mindset and actions. By digging in more to your habits and motives, you will allow yourself to overcome your fear of failure. Your mindset around failure and success will be completely different, and you’ll find your more motivated and feel less defeated when hard times arise!

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Want to Learn More About Fear of Failure and Judgement?

Tune in to this week’s Make Chic Happen Podcast episode, “Afraid of People Seeing You Fail At Your Goals? Try This!”.

Katy and Melanie dive deep into proclaiming your goals and vision out loud despite fear of judgement! In this episode, you’ll learn about topics like accountability, willpower, devotion, and consistency. Katy and Melanie also speak on inspiring others as you proclaim your goals! If you’ve ever feared being judged from starting your business, this episode is for you!

The Chic Branding Experience

We are offering YOU “The Chic Branding Experience”! This is a new experience offered through Chic Way Media to clarify your unique brand story using the thumbprint marketing method. This customized experience consists of 4 phases designed to create a completely unique marketing strategy for your personal brand.

The four phases of The Chic Branding Experience provide a thorough analysis of your current content as well as your potential blindspots. From an outside perspective we will analyze how a prospect may be viewing your content and why they are/aren’t consuming your content. For more information or to register, go HERE!

fear of failure