Grow Your Mindset and Business with these 4 Tips!

Hey, friend.  Does your mind like to feed you sweet little lies about why your business isn’t growing, why you aren’t the person for the job, why you’ll never be ______________ (fill in the blank with whatever dreams your mind likes to crush.) It’s most likely because you need to do a little inner spring cleaning to grow your mindset.

Our minds are THE most dramatic storytellers and if we aren’t careful, we can fall asleep at night listening to tales that are less than true about ourselves.  It’s easy to walk into the trap of letting our minds run on autopilot.  Here’s the thing about autopilot, though: it never takes you to new places, only familiar ones.

Everyone is always looking for the next best thing when it comes to changing their mindset.  You see a book about how to improve your mindset and you think, “Oh that’s me! I need that!” Maybe you hear a speaker who says that they can help you rework your mindset in a few easy steps and you grab your credit card to enroll.

We don’t blame you, we’ve been there ourselves!  Most of us will do/buy/listen to anything that will allow us to operate on the surface and feel like we are doing something (anything!) to change our mindsets.

But here’s the thing: until you dig deep to the root cause of the belief that has you “stuck,” then you are truly only putting a bandaid on your brain.

How can you rewrite the narratives in your mind to include stories that will grow your mindset and grow your business?  Read on for 4 tips that will help you reconsider how you let your mind to talk to you!

Tip 1: Acknowledge the stories and test their validity.

Listen.  Just because something may have once been true about you, doesn’t mean that it’s true forever.  Even more: just because someone once told you something that THEY believed to be true about you, that doesn’t mean that it’s fact.

So many of your stories that keep you stuck are rooted in the past.  Past experiences, old conversations, worn out beliefs.  These hold you back from not only becoming who you are meant to be, but they also hold your business back from growth.

Your business can only grow as far as your mindset grows.

Read that again.

Read it aloud.

Say it louder for the people in the back.

So, if we are going to encourage this mindset growth, we have to test the validity of the stories that we have on loop.  Are they true for us anymore?  Were they ever?  If we were gambling women, we’d say NO and probably NOT.

But, HOW do you test these stories?  We are glad you asked!

First, you have to hear them. Like, really hear them.  Draw your attention to the story you’re telling yourself the next time you go to do something really difficult.  Next, now that you’re really paying attention, ask yourself, “is this even true? Do I really even believe this down to the core of who I am?”

If the answer is “no,” (which we suspect that it will be,) then it’s time to do some rewriting.  This is the final step.  Last, rewrite the story to something that is more accurate and representative for who you are NOW.

Now, put that new story on repeat.

Tip 2: Find the root cause of the belief that is holding you back.

Get out your shovel, sis.  It’s time to do some digging.

Why are you not inviting to your business opportunity? What is making you avoid your income producing activities? Why are you folding piles of laundry instead of working to watch your sales pile up?

It’s not because you’re too busy.  And, it’s not because there’s too much laundry. (I mean, there is always too much laundry 🙄)  Chances are, it’s not because of any of the surface reasons that you’re giving for procrastinating on the REAL work.

Our guess is that fear is the little culprit behind your belief system that is holding you back from world domination.  Or at least business domination.  Or at least just sending that business invite.

We all harbor fears.  We all let those fears hold us back from time to time.  There is nothing wrong with you if you’re scared.  But until we call that fear out into the light, it can do a lot of damage from the darkness.

You have to address the fear that is holding your mindset back from the growth that you deserve.


Think of the worst case scenario. 🤯

No really.  Worst case that thing.  What is the WORST thing that could happen if you do that thing you’re afraid to do?

Next, how would you deal with it?  Think of a solution.

Now you’re armed.  Anything LESS than worst case scenario that happens is going to seem like a piece of cake to solve compared to the worst case that you’re fearing.

To grow our mindset, we have to address the fears and limiting beliefs that hold us back.  Fear is most often the root of every bit of unhealthy thinking patterns that we have.  When our mindset grows, our business grows.

Tip 3: Posture yourself with confidence.

There was a time when we were afraid to send the invite, share the product or service, walk into a room of people who knew what we did for a living.

Gasp!  Direct sales!  (Cue everyone scrambling to hide their wallets.)

It felt intimidating and vulnerable to perform those actions or enter a situation with people who very clearly didn’t believe in what we were doing or what we had to offer.

This is where we had to grow our mindset through posturing ourselves with confidence.

You know what? We believed in our products!  The business opportunity? Yep, we believed in that, too!  Aunt Jan doesn’t believe in direct sales?  That’s okay, Aunt Jan!  We believe in it and we’ve seen it work.  We don’t need your seal of approval!

Being your own champion is never an easy task.  But the ultimate flex is to posture yourself with confidence.  Nothing grows your mindset or your business like being bulletproof in your belief about what you have to offer and how you offer it.

“But what if someone says no?  That shakes my confidence.”

But what if they do?  It’s not a reflection of you.  Your job is to set up the handshake, to introduce people to what you have to offer and then don’t be offended if they say no.  It’s a choice to be offended and it’s a choice to take action as well.

You know what looks good on you?  When you stand up tall, speak confidently and share without hesitation.  I don’t know about you, but I want to purchase from THAT girl.

If you want to hear a little more about conversations in business, check out our podcast: How to Establish Conversations that ACTUALLY Convert.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: grow your mindset, grow your business.

Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to reframe and rewrite your past actions.

Finally, we come to our last tip.  Here it is: you’re allowed to evolve.  In fact, we encourage it.

Maybe when something happened in your business in the past, you took offense.  For example, maybe you onboarded and trained some real rockstars in your downline.  It could be that you poured your heart and soul into helping them grow their mindset, grow their business, really make something of the opportunity.

You formed a bond and a friendship.  You really counted on them in your organization and you celebrated their wins.

And then, they left.  Quit.  Moved on to another business, got another job, joined another leader.


Maybe your mind said things like, “She left me!” or “She took my ideas and quit like it was nothing to her!”  (It’s okay if that was your initial reaction, you’re human.)

But, please don’t stop there.

You can let unfortunate events in your business (or life) define you, or you can use them as stepping stones to a better place.  You can think, “I helped them and they left me,” or you can think, “I hope they left me better than they found me.”

Each person we meet in business is a lesson and a blessing.  A growth mindset encourages you to look at both.

As you evolve and rewrite your previous actions into healthier thoughts, your mindset will grow and (say it with us… all together now…) so will your business.

We hope these four tips have helped you think about how you think!  Your mindset is often either your biggest strength or your biggest adversary.  When you’re cognizant of HOW you think, you have the opportunity to make changes that grow you in positive ways.

We talk a lot about mindset in our Direct Sales Done Right mentorship, as well as how to handle scenarios like the ones that we mentioned in this blog.  You can find more info here: DSDR Mentorship.