Direct Sales Time Management Tips to Finish 2020

With just 3.5 weeks left of the year, it’s common to struggle with time management and hitting biz goals. Between the holidays, virtual learning and everything else that comes with 2020, it’s easy to put our business on the back burner and wait until January shows up.

What many business owners don’t understand is now more than ever is the time to put the pedal to the metal and hit your year end goals all without feeling burned out!

How you may ask?

Below are 3 time management tips to help you finish out this (crazy) year STRONG!

1. Stop Scrolling

I mean, we’re all guilty! It’s the perfect distraction from laundry, right?

It’s not just scrolling on social media, instead it’s all about being INTENTIONAL with your time on Instagram or Facebook – being sure you are doing what you NEED to be doing! Such as:

  • Answering your messages
  • Posting to stories about products
  • Responding to comments
  • Engaging with your community.

Our biggest tip is to TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS! Notifications are a huge distraction which can cause you to not complete the things you need to on your list!

2. Create a Schedule

Whether you are a stay at home mom or working full while building a business, we ALL need a schedule. Just winging it can easily lead to forgetting something. Big or small,  it can lead to panic and giving up!

Having a schedule allows you to TAKE CONTROL and gives you the FREEDOM to do the things you need or want to do!

In the Chic Community, we provide members with our Chic Time Blocking Tracker!

Time blocking allows you to look at your entire week as a whole and determine where in your schedule can you find pockets of time to work on your business.

Once you are able to find time (and yes, if that means 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there), you can then tackle your to-do list.

3. Work from a To-Do List

Creating a list of what needs to get done will not only keep you on track but it helps encourage you to keep pushing forward.

Visually seeing what needs to get done holds you accountable. Determine what needs to be done first, what can wait, what needs to be done before other activities can be completed!

Then, resolve to do something RIGHT NOW toward achieving your goal.

Our #1 to-do list tip is to RESIST the urge to clear up small things first.

Small things are like rabbits; they multiply continually! Get in the habit of tackling the “vital few” before you attend to the “trivial many.” If you prioritize low value tasks, that becomes your habit!!If you prioritize high value tasks you GET HIGH VALUE RESULTS!!!!!

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