5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in Network Marketing

Preventing burnout in the early days of your network marketing business is crucial! You can become so focused on chasing the next goal, hitting the benchmarks, and achieving all the rewards that you start to feel extremely burnout. When burnout occurs, you may be thinking, “Is this really worth it?”

When you feel really drained and your cynicism is in full force, you’re definitely not going to yield positive results.  It is incredible important to become aware of your actions, time, and ROI to help prevent burnout. To summarize, burnout doesn’t need to be your reality! There is another option! Today, we are going to discuss 5 ways to prevent burnout in your network marketing business.

Schedule Rest

First, while it may seem obvious, scheduling time to rest is the most important way to prevent burnout. We often find in our world that everyone encourages hustling and working 24/7. In addition, people tend to glorify being busy!

It can become super easy to pick up the call, send another email, try for one more sale. The “push more” mentality is definitely a mentality that breeds burnout. When you put your business before anything and everything, you’ll find little time to rest or enjoy the things that bring you joy.

You don’t always need to be “on” when building your network marketing business. This is where setting boundaries and using the Chic Your Time Blocker can come in handy. Here at Chic, we encourage you to schedule your joy first! If there is something that brings you joy, then you should schedule out time specifically for those things. Then proceed to schedule your work around it.

Often times, business owners schedule their work and leave little to no room for rest or joyful activities. But joy is an inside job! It is something that you must establish a boundary around! YOU are just as important as YOUR BUSINESS.

prevent burnout

Avoid Resentment

Second, a great question to ask yourself to prevent burnout is- “Am I hanging onto resentment or leaning into opportunity?”

While many people believe that there is a cookie cutter way to success in network marketing, there is so much room for individualistic opportunity. If you find yourself getting bored or hanging onto resentment for your business, maybe it’s time to lean into new opportunities.

When you hit a wall and feel like you’re lacking creativity, this is a great time to take a step back and reinvent yourself and your business. This is the time to look at things from different angles, try something new, and spice up what you’re doing. You can write your own narrative in a sea of network marketers!

People who have longevity in their careers are constantly reinventing themselves and getting creative. As you experience something new, it creates new leads and can ultimately get you out of a rut!

Preventing burnout might mean taking the reins, doing something different, and changing it up.

prevent burnout

Track Your Time

Next, a quick tip to prevent burnout is to track your time. It can be very difficult to know how long you are spending on work when you’re working at all random times of the day. However, when you track your time (You can use a platform like Clockify), you can easily identify what tasks you are completing and how long each one takes.

A great question to ask yourself is- “Is my income matching my effort?”

Are you actually doing the activities that are going to generate income or just filling your day with fluff?

After tracking your day, you can see if you are doing the activities that produce income. Burnout comes when you spend hours and hours a day working without seeing results.

This is why we created the “Proven Two Hour Work Day Checklist”. This checklist explains the actual income producing activities that you MUST do daily in order to see results in your business.

Instead of filling your day with random activities, start analyzing where your time is going. Determine when you are most productive in your day, and then set aside that time to accomplish your income producing activities.

Eliminate Comparison

“Comparison is the thief of joy!”

We’ve all heard this saying before, and it is so true. When you’re spending  time comparing yourself to others in your industry, you’ll find yourself chasing THEIR dreams, THEIR goals, and THEIR purpose. When you’re running someone else’s race, burnout is sure to follow. Preventing burnout starts with eliminating comparison.

Remember, the grass is always greener where you water it.

We encourage you to spend time developing your business and being proud of it, instead of comparing it to everyone else’s business around you. In addition, it is worth noting that social media is everyone’s highlight reel. Social media tends to not show the long nights, early mornings, and serious struggles. Every business owner has struggles, hardships, and doubts. You are not alone!

Eliminate comparison by acknowledging what someone else is doing BUT also being proud of what you are accomplishing and building.

Evaluate Your Potential

Last, if you are too busy watching what others are doing, you aren’t going to maximize your potential. Start by evaluating your potential whenever you accomplish your income producing activities. Ask yourself these following questions:

-In what ways can you be more efficient?

-What can you do to grow personally?

-What things can you change within your business?

-Are there areas in your business that need to be spiced up?

Continue growing as a business owner, and you’ll find more excitement and motivation when working. Motivation and excitement can help prevent burnout because it produces passion!

When you are feeling burnout, you are no longer able to reach your full potential. If you start doing the activities listed above in this blog, you’ll find that your potential continues growing. It is important for you to continue evolving and fine tuning your business.

Therefore, make not to continue growing and maximizing your potential as a business owner!

Chic Branding Experience

The Chic Branding Experience is  a new experience offered through Chic Way Media to clarify your unique brand story using the thumbprint marketing method.  This customized experience consists of 4 phases designed to create a completely unique marketing strategy for your personal brand.

The four phases of The Chic Branding Experience provide a thorough analysis of your current content as well as your potential blindspots.  From an outside perspective we will analyze how a prospect may be viewing your content and why they are/aren’t consuming your content.

Our goal as your guides through this experience isn’t just to help you “grow your social media” (although that is a likely perk!). Our goal is to help you stand out from the crowd, clarify your messaging, identify the unique experience you offer your clients, and ultimately generate more leads through your messaging!

If you are interested in sustainable growth through a clear message and ideas for delivery, reserve your spot HERE!

Want To Learn More On Preventing Burnout?

Check out this week’s Make Chic Happen Podcast episode, “What To Do When it Feels Like Everyone Around You is Giving Up”.

In this week’s Make Chic Happen episode, Katy and Melanie share 5 questions you can ask yourself or others when quitting becomes an option! They’ll cover some of the following topics:

-Being intentional with rest

-Becoming resentful of your business

-The game of comparison

-Matching your income to your effort

-Maximizing your potential

Katy and Melanie encourage you to evaluate quitting based on a few things, but one of them is not emotion! Listen HERE!

Be sure to also read our other blog post, “3 Simple Tips to Combat Burnout”.

prevent burnout