3 Simple Tips to Combat Burnout

Burnout can affect everyone and unfortunately some feel burnout is a badge of honor.

Sis, it’s not. 

Melanie and Katy have experienced burnout is the WORST kind of way in business.

The kind of burnout where you:

  • get physically sick.⠀
  • cannot get out of bed.⠀
  • ask yourself why you are building this business anyways.⠀
  • reset the business that is supposed to be giving you freedom.⠀

So what are the signs of burnout?

Over the past few years, both Katy and Melanie have worked intentionally at NOT burning out.

And just an FYI, burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged and repeated stress.

We have learned the signs of burnout and learned to pump the breaks when needed.⠀

We learned that it is possible to still reach business & personal goals while making small tweaks along the way.⠀

A few signs of burnout:⠀

  • Lack of creativity
  • Extreme exhaustion⠀
  • Lack of focus
  • Irritability⠀

Sound familiar, friend?

Today we are sharing 3 ways to combat burnout!

#1 Disconnect

Whether it’s a 10 minute break in your day, an hour after work, or an entire weekend — taking the time to fully disconnect from screens is important.

And if you’re a perfectionist, please don’t cringe at the next line.

You should do this DAILY. #sorrynotsorry

This allows you to  refresh and come back to work feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

You can even block off your time in your Make Chic Happen Planner!

#2 Set boundaries and SAY NO!

Saying no can be a challenge — especially if you are running a biz!

If you struggle with always saying yes to avoid disappointment on the other end, it may be time to consider setting boundaries.

To do this, assess your current commitments and identify what’s a high priority versus a low priority. 

If your plate is overloaded, focus on your high priority tasks, and ASK FOR HELP! Friends, believe it or not, there are people willing to help you out – all you have to do is ask :) It’s not a sign of weakness by any means!

#3 Take Time OFF!

#HealthyCEO #amiright

Friend, you need time to unwind and most importantly, unplug, so you can come back to work refreshed and re-inspired — even if you just take a “staycation”.

With the right planning and preparation in place, you in fact put your phone away and take time for yourself! It’s all about becoming a #HEALTHYCEO.

(psst: we have a whole blog post dedicated to taking time off!)

Time away from work will help you enjoy your life and improve your work-life balance!


Friends, burnout doesn’t need to be your reality. One of the things we strongly believe in is that you cannot run if you do not rest!⠀

Want to learn more about how Katy and Melanie handle burn out? Check out this episode of the Make Chic Happen Podcast:

Episode 87: The Perfect Marketing Strategy Without End of Year Burnout