Three Keys to Success in Your Business
The fourth quarter is here, and you may be asking yourself- “What do I need to do to finish successfully?” But while you’re trying to finish strong, you may be doing a few things that are actually preventing your success. Today, I want to talk about three keys to success in your business. These three factors could make or break you reaching your end of the year business goal, especially if you’re in direct sales.
First, let’s discuss your go-to plan to be successful in your business! Is your go-to solution to double down, hustle harder, and work longer? More direct messages? More sales pitches? More goal setting? We’ve all been there trying to reach last minute, fourth quarter goals. It’s easy to believe that if you work harder and longer, success will come. But that mindset isn’t healthy! If everyone who worked harder and longer gained success, there would be a lot more successful people. Longer hours doesn’t equal success, and that mindset is a very toxic one to have! In fact, you might be feeling extremely burnt out and exhausted in your business because of it.
For instance, if you work in direct sales or a similar industry, you reach one goal and there is always another higher target goal waiting at your doorstep. In this setting, it is almost second nature to adopt a work longer and hustle harder mindset. But this mindset might actually be preventing your success and hindering you from reaching your full potential! This toxic mindset is rooted in one word: PERFECTION!
Therefore, let’s discuss the three keys to be successful in your business:
Progress Over Perfection
First, it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. Your need to be perfect is keeping you from doing anything. You’re waiting until you have that perfect pitch. Then the perfect timing. And the perfect brand idea. But don’t forget the updated website. You’re waiting to post until you have the best caption or the perfectly curated feed. And in the process, you’re doing absolutely NOTHING! It is not about perfection, it is about right now in this moment doing something and putting it out there! Most importantly, what makes you successful is your ability to take action repeatedly over time and learn from it.
Embrace Failure
Second, embrace failure, and stop letting it define your business or who YOU are. The fear of failure is crippling you and stopping you from being successful. Failure is inevitable in business. There is no way to succeed without going through the process of failure. You failed, but you’re not a failure. Without a doubt, you have to be willing to put yourself out there and figure it out along the way. You fail forward and learn that the harder you try, the more success you’ll have! Clearly, to achieve something you’ve never done, you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done!
Enjoy the Journey
Third, growing a business is a journey, not a quick road to success. You’ve lost focus on your main dream and it’s keeping you from advancing. Striving from goal to goal could leave you feeling extremely unfulfilled. The ultimate goal is not to reach the next big thing. Likewise, perfection can lead us from one goal to the next without feeling satisfied or grateful. If you are feeling unmotivated, your dream may not be matching up with what you ultimately want! Try starting with these three things:
First, start with reevaluating what you’re working towards. Your dream can be as little or as big as you want it to be, but there needs to be energy behind your dream to impel you to keep going!
Second, shift from a goal oriented mindset to a dream oriented mindset. When you’re dream oriented, it is easier to not give up. The little goals along the way will get you to your ultimate dream. When you’re dream minded, you’ll find fulfillment in getting one step closer.
Finally, focus on adjusting your mindset from perfecting goals to embracing gratitude. In the Chic Influencer community, we discuss gratitude a lot. Gratitude is the cornerstone of grit! Having gratitude will help you feel more motivated and fulfilled without feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. Perfection and gratitude don’t operate in the same space. It’s one or the other.
When you break up with perfection you can welcome in success!
To sum it up, these three keys to success in your business could be the magic sauce to becoming a successful business owner. When you ditch perfection, you’ll find that you’re more grateful. You’re fulfilled in the journey. You have a clear path to where you’re going, and you know the small goals that will get you there. You’ll learn from your failures, and you’ll use it to be better for next time.
There is a time and a place to work harder and double down. But if you’re working longer and harder to reach goals that only leave you empty, it’s time for a mindset reset. Goals are meant to get you closer to your ultimate dream. They aren’t meant to suck the life out of you so you lose focus on what you’re actually working towards.
Most importantly, leave perfection at the door, and welcome in a grateful, driven, fulfilled mindset! Success is sure to follow you there.
Want to learn more about success tips, business mentoring, and dream setting?
Be sure to check out this week’s Make Chic Happen podcast episode with guest Brad Bizjack. You can listen here: Episode 134: Speeding Up the Mindset of Success
Also, want to learn more about preventing burnout, read the Three Simple Tips to Combat Burnout blog post.
You can find out more about Brad Bizjack and his coaching and mentoring HERE!
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