Exposing the Truths About Business Growth
One of the BIGGEST lies we can tell ourselves in our business is we will have success overnight.
There are so many people out there who start a business one day and when they wake up the next morning expect to see a lot of $.

Exposing the Truth About Biz Growth
We see this A LOT – especially in direct sales.
What some entrepreneurs don’t understand is in order to have GROWTH in your business, you have to start from a foundation and build up your success.
Today we are sharing with you 3 truths when it comes to growing your business!
1.Show up for the small stuff
When both Katy and Melanie first started their business more than 9 years ago, they recall reading their first personal development book that shifted their mindset, “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.
The Slight Edge is a philosophy and it represents a way of thinking: what we know, how we hold that knowledge, and what we do. The secret ingredient is straightforward: to show up and do the small (sometimes insignificant) daily activities over and over again until success kicks in.
It’s the people who commit to the ‘slight edge’ activities – repeating over and over, time after time – who see their business grow.
DISCLAIMER: It’s not a quick process…it’s SLOW and takes time!
It’s consistently posting to social media (even when your engagement is low), it’s recording your podcast every week (even when your downloads are low).
It is the behind the scenes that you DON’T show on social media, it’s not the finished product.
It’s the discipline and consistency.
It’s showing up every single day.
2. Practice does not make perfection, it makes permanent
The idea of consistently showing up and practicing your skill of business ownership (i.e. social media marketing, talking to your audience, growing your mentorship program, creating the best product etc.) is what will eventually lead you to success.
It’s important to note that FEEDBACK is CRUCIAL and the best way to do this is to REFLECT. Reflection is a KEY part of our success in business.
As entrepreneurs, we are constantly asking ourselves “What can we do differently” when we don’t hit our goals and when DO hit our target we say “What can we do to make sure we continue to see success?”
The practice isn’t about making it perfect. The practice is about making it PERMANENT by learning from it ALL – the good and bad – and the willingness to be coached in order to be better.
3. Find accountability
When you are looking at going after a business, it can be extremely overwhelming. This applies to launching a consulting company, direct sales or a brick and mortar.
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do it alone – and we aren’t talking about finding someone to go into business with. We are talking about finding a support community who can hold you accountable.
One of the biggest tips we can give to entrepreneurs at any stage of business is to seek out people who you can work alongside of. This can be through a physical networking group or through groups on social media.
You have to be honest with yourself and realize you don’t have to figure everything out on your own! There is a wealth of knowledge out there in the world and other business owners who WANT to help!
You have to surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed! They may be one step ahead of you BUT understanding you don’t have to do this whole entrepreneur thing alone!
Accountability and support was one of the main reasons why the Chic Community was created! When you become a member of the community, your vision becomes our personal goal and we are personally invested in helping you achieve YOUR business goals!
Being a business owner is saying to yourself,
“I’m have belief in what I am doing.”
“I am in this for the long haul.”
“I’m going to show up every single day.”
Being an entrepreneur means trusting the process and embracing the journey – good and bad – to becoming a successful business owner.
Rooting for you, always!