How to Triple Your Direct Sales Income in 90 Days:
The Proven 3 Step Framework For Success

Are you ready to see explosive growth in your direct sales business and triple your direct sales income?

Do you have a strong work ethic?
Do you want 2023 to be the year that you achieve all of your goals?
Are you excited about the possibilities for success in your direct sales business?


You lack a clear direction for  how to achieve success.
You spend a lot of time on your business with little income growth to show for it.
Success doesn’t seem possible for you.
Analysis paralysis sometimes (ok, often!) leads to inaction.

We get it! But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have been teaching women how to be successful in direct sales for 10+ years! What if we (Katy and Melanie) could give you a clear path to success in your direct sales business?

Are you ready to see explosive growth in your direct sales business and triple your direct sales income?

Do you have a strong work ethic?
Do you want 2023 to be the year that you achieve all of your goals?
Are you excited about the possibilities for success in your direct sales business?


You lack a clear direction for  how to achieve success.
You spend a lot of time on your business with little income growth to show for it.
Success doesn’t seem possible for you.
Analysis paralysis sometimes (ok, often!) leads to inaction.

We get it! But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have been teaching women how to be successful in direct sales for 10+ years! What if we (Katy and Melanie) could give you a clear path to success in your direct sales business?

During this direct sales training you will learn how to:

  • Create a compelling vision that calls you and other people to action.
  • Uncover the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from reaching your fullest potential.
  • Take action on the “right” tasks each day to see income and growth immediately.
  • Bonus: Gain the confidence to converse and invite your ideal client and team members.

How would it feel to start 2023 with a clear action plan for direct selling success?

If you are shaking your head yes, then we invite you to join us for an exclusive FREE training: How to Triple Your Direct Sales Income in 90 Days: The Proven 3-Step Framework For Success.

AMAZING, RIGHT!! Well, let’s get you signed up for the training!

You have two time options to choose from below. We cannot wait to see you there!