5 Time-saving Tips for the Goal-Oriented Entrepreneur

Hey, you!  We have a riddle for you to kick off this blog. What is biggest thing that every direct sales owner struggles to do but would most help them to build their business?  If you guessed “time-saving” then you get the gold star today!

We have felt the struggle firsthand over the last 10+ years of building our network marketing businesses.  We are also women, wives, moms, friends, daughters who are wearing all the hats.  When we were building our businesses in the beginning, we were also working full-time jobs or working the full-time mom and head of household gig.  That’s why today we are presenting five time-saving tips for you, the goal-oriented network marketer.

We have broken down these tips so that you can evaluate how you’re spending your business building time. We want you to be able to consider where you can make tweaks in your routine to boost your productivity. Let’s not waste anymore time and get to it!  (We think the last tip is going to surprise you!)

Time-saving Tip 1: Choose intentional work jours (and stick to them)

We know you’ve heard this before, but let us weigh in. Chances are you’re a busy woman who may have a full-time job on top of your network marketing business.

We aren’t here to pretend that choosing intentional work hours is EASY.  We are here to tell you that it’s not impossible.  If you’re looking at your schedule from a wide perspective, we can see how it would feel overwhelming.  But, here’s where our time saving tip comes into play.

It is going to be more feasible to examine your schedule by a daily or weekly basis.  As women, our time depends so much on our families and their schedules/preferences/behavior (can we can get an “Amen” from the toddler moms?!) Sometimes it is nearly impossible to schedule out work hours too far in advance.

We highly encourage you to look at your family’s weekly schedule, as well as your own work schedule.  This will help to identify the blocks of time within the week that are going to be your intentional work hours.  (More specifics on this technique in a bit!)

The most important part of this time saving tip is up to you.  You can have the prettiest calendar with the best of intentions to show up. But, if you don’t come to work and keep your promises to yourself, the plan is ineffective!

Time-saving Tip 2: Time blocking is your bestie

If you’ve followed Chic for any amount of time, you know that we are huge supporters of time blocking as a time saving tip.  We are so passionate about this that we created the Make Chic Happen Planner and Make Chic Happen Time Blocker.  These tools were designed to help all of our business besties become their most efficient selves!

When you block out your time for the week, we encourage you to start with these items:

  • Full-time work hours
  • Personal appointments
  • Family obligations (doctor appts, sporting activities, etc)
  • Joy!

Scheduling the things that bring you joy is important!  It gives you the visual picture of where you can relax and let down your hair!

When you are able to see your week from this perspective, you can identify where you are going to work your direct sales business.  Be sure to take your goals into account and realistically identify how much time it’s going to take to achieve those goals.

Maybe you have huge goals to bring in your highest revenue for the year in this month!  It would be unrealistic to think that could be accomplished without significant work hours.

And may we say a bit about “mom guilt,” as we have all been there before?  So many mothers that we talk to and work with are feeling guilty when they’re working their direct sales businesses.  Time blocking can help to alleviate mom guilt!  When you are able to see in real time where you are with your family, it changes your perspective.

time saving tips

We teach a lot about time blocking in our Direct Sales Done Right Course and we highly encourage you to learn more about this time saving tip!

Time-saving Tip 3: Identify when you are most creative and focused

Because different business activities require varying degrees of creativity and concentration, you want to delegate them appropriately!  If you know that you are most creative in the morning before your kids are awake, this might be when you write your content or create your Reels.

If you find that you are most focused for inviting and connecting during your kid’s nap time, or in the evenings when you’re relaxing after work, save that activity for then!  As the CEO of your own business, you get to decide when and where you do your activities.

Okay, so you have time blocked out the intentional hours that you are going to work each day! Go you! Revisit that calendar and fill in just WHAT you’ll be doing during those hours.  Match your time slots with your activities that you think will be most successful during those time blocks.  In the end, this saves you tons of time because you are working intentionally and at your brain’s best capacity.

time saving

Time-saving Tip 4: Identify what you’re willing to sacrifice

Friend, a short word on this if we might.  Nothing worth having has ever come easy.  When you’re building a business and trying to do all the things and be all the things, it can be stressful.  That’s why we share tips like these.  We want to help you avoid some of the bumps and bruises that we have gotten along the way.

With that being said, there will be things that you will most likely need to sacrifice on your way to your goals.  These are deeply personal and can only be decided on by YOU.  No one else (not us, your upline or your business bestie) can (or should) tell you what to sacrifice. This one is on you.

Take some time to sit with your goals in front of you and ask yourself what it’s going to take to get there.  Make a list of things that you’re willing to lay down in order to start climbing toward your goals.  Is it a Netflix binge?  Is it a bit of sleep?

We don’t know what it is for you, but what we do know is that you’re a smart, independent woman who can get real with herself in the face of her goals.

Time-saving Tip 5: All or nothing is not a sustainable plan:

In the brilliant words of Katy, “All or nothing should never come at the cost of your everything.”

Look at your business, your goals, the time and sacrifices that it’s going to take to get there. If you can’t breathe when looking at it all, then it’s time to take a break, sis.  We live in a hustle harder culture that is constantly preaching “10x everything,” and “whatever it takes!”  This can be truly damaging not only to our psyches but to our relationships, businesses and life.

We hope that through implementing these time saving tips, from time blocking to being really intentional about what you’re going to do when you work, you are able to build a sustainable business plan.  You can reach your goals and be successful without sacrificing it all and finding yourself empty and alone at the finish line.  We know for sure that THIS is NOT the goal.

Our hats are off to you, friend.

We know that it takes hard work, grit and grace to find your footing when building a direct sales business.  Our goal is that these time saving tips, as well as all of the other value that we try to offer at Chic Influencer helps you to become a confident CEO.

If you find yourself wanting more support when it comes to building an effective and efficient direct sales business, we encourage you to check out our Direct Sales Done Right Course.  It’s jam-packed with business building tips and tools that help you move the needle in your business. If you’re looking for a roadmap that’s going to simplify your direct sales business, this course would be perfect for you!