Time Management Tips to Achieve Your Goals Faster

Today, we are sharing time management tips to help you achieve your goals more efficiently. Do you find yourself having little time for your business?  Or not getting as much done as you’d like? Creating good time management habits can be a challenge. But while the pain of change is not great, the pain of staying the same and never succeeding is far worse! It’s time to stop making excuses and create the change. Here are three time management tips so you can create healthy boundaries around your time!

Delay Instant Gratification

First, to create time management habits you have to delay instant gratification. You hear it all the time, BUT it’s all about short term sacrifices for long term rewards. When you want to sleep in, binge watch tv, or mindlessly scroll you aren’t creating habits that will reap long term benefits.

You have to start disciplining yourself and reminding yourself of what you want long term.

“Don’t sacrifice what you want for what you want now.”

Right now, you may want to sleep in or mindlessly scroll, but what you ultimately want is a successful business so you can gain financial freedom and flexibility. When you’re struggling with time management, start by rewarding yourself after accomplishing some tasks. Do your business first, then reward yourself with a nap or an hour to online shop or scroll.

Send the five emails, then take the nap. Design and make the post, then watch a tv show. Begin using the things that normally cause you to procrastinate as rewards for checking items off of your to-do list. By doing this, you’re creating a habit that your business comes before your instant gratification!

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Dedicate Time Each Day

Second, another crucial time management tip to implement is dedicating a set time each day to building your personal business. If waking up earlier works for you, then set some time aside every single morning to check things off your to-do list. Maybe late nights are better for you. Either way, set aside specific time each day. Creating great time management habits starts with doing something over and over again! When you get in a routine, it becomes a lot easier to be consistent.

When your business grows and you build a team, this is a great rule of thumb as well! At Chic, we set aside a few hours every morning to work on developing our own personal business. We silent our phones and chats, and we dedicate that time as uninterrupted time. Our team knows that during those early morning hours we are unavailable. It has allowed them to become more independent and self-motivated workers.

During this time, you should be working on growing, expanding, and increasing your business. What are the income producing activities that you must do in order to scale your business? THOSE are the activities that you should be working on during this set aside time.

In order to scale your business, time management will have to be a skill you master! With such little time in the day, you must learn to manage the time you have well. We each have the same amount of hours each day, so how will you use yours? One of our most impactful time management tips is to dedicating set time each day, uninterrupted to grow your business! Try it! We promise you will see a difference in your mindset and your business.

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Set Healthy Boundaries

Our last time management tip is to implement healthy boundaries for yourself! We understand creating boundaries can be challenging. But remember, every time you say “yes” to something, you are saying “no” to something else. Identify what you are saying “no” to when you want to take something else on.

You may get asked to join your child’s PTA, volunteer at your church, help your family, attend a friend’s events etc. People are always going to be asking for more of your time, and you cannot do everything. While most of the requests would be great, you can’t say “yes” to everything while also saying “yes” to starting your business. Starting a business takes time! So there will be times you have to say “no” in order to work on scaling your business.

When you say “yes” to different activities, it may take away time from your business, quality time with your family, or even your own mental health. As a business owner, you HAVE to protect the things that matter most to you!

This applies for your own personal life but also for your team members! Make sure you are staying on tasks in your team meetings. Ask your team to come in with an already existing agenda. Stick to the time allocated! Set aside specific time when you will answer emails and questions. In addition, set aside time when you will be away taking care of personal tasks.

It is your job as a business owner to create the boundaries around yourself and your business so you can achieve the success your envisioning! It takes time and dedication, BUT we promise that you will reap the benefits in due time.

Developing great time management habits is important when you’re starting your business, but even more important once your business grows! It is crucial to already have the metrics, habits, and systems in place so that when you do reach that level of success- you can actually maintain it and continue growing!

Want To Learn More Time Management Tips?

Be sure to listen to this week’s Make Chic Happen podcast episode, “Time Management Tips You NEED in 2022”. This week Melanie Mitro is giving you some of her best time management tips so you can achieve your goals faster!⁠ You’ll learn a few tips on setting healthy boundaries, creating personal time for your business, and making short term sacrifices when needed.⁠ If you have little time to spend on your business, and you want to make the most of it- this episode is for you!⁠

time management tips