Time Blocking Done Right: Our Top 5 Secrets for Business Success
There is nothing worse than having a never ending to-do list and constantly feeling you cannot catch a break #AmIRight
We have goals to hit, commitments during the week and not to mention families to take care of!
The constant go-go-go not only causes a crazy amount of stress and anxiety in our daily lives BUT we can miss deadlines and important elements in the process.
We have a never ending to do list and what feels like never enough hours in the day to get it all done.
You are not alone when it comes to feeling this way BUT why feel stressed when you can do something about it!

Time Blocking Done Right: Our Top 5 Secrets for Business Success
And what is the secret you ask?
Answer: Time Blocking
Here at Chic Influencer, we are #obsessed with TIME BLOCKING. So obsessed that Katy and Melanie created a time blocking tracker in the 2nd Edition of the Make Chic Happen Planner!
We both sit down every single Sunday and plan out our week, reflect on how the previous week went and prioritize our to do list and tasks that are going to move our business forward. We know that if we are not in control of our time that we are going to feel completely out of control and overwhelmed.
This incredible resource was designed for the Chic Community to not only get in control of their goals but to decide WHEN they are showing up for their business.
Time blocking allows you to look at your entire week as a whole and determine where in your schedule can you find pockets of time to work on your business.
Once you are able to find time (and yes, if that means 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there), you can then tackle your to-do list.
Time blocking has allowed for us to evaluate our success on a DAILY BASIS. This tracker not only has given us more free time but it has helped us be in CONTROL of our bottom line (hello business growth and freedom!)
Below we are sharing our top secrets when it comes to time blocking!

Time Blocking Done Right: Our Top 5 Secrets for Business Success
1.Write down your goals for the week ahead
You must ask yourself: what are you looking to achieve in your business this week? Remember, to be realistic with your goals.
If you know you are going to be traveling for your full time job then understand that you may not be able to go live 3 times this week or you won’t be able to get as many invites out that you wish to.
Guess what, that is OK! But, what is it that you CAN do that will still move the business forward? Is this a week that you might have to sacrifice a little free time to hit your goals? Or is this a week you need to give yourself grace?
If you are honest with both yourself AND your goals then you are setting yourself up for success that week.
When you write down your goals make sure that your weekly goals are aligned to both your monthly and yearly goals. Are the goals you are focusing this week income and growth based? Will your goals show in your income produced?
2. Write down the list of activities you will need to accomplish your weekly goals.
So you’ve determined your goals for the week. Now what?
It’s time to go through and list out all of the to-dos that you know NEED to get done that support your overall goal!
If you are using the Time Blocking Tracker tool, you can use the ‘notes’ section for this activity!
3. Put those tasks into your Make Chic Happen Planner
Once you’ve made your to-do list, it’s time to grab your planner and write in all of the activities that are already set in stone.
These activities could be both professional and personal from team meetings to your dentist appointment – even your child’s basketball practice!
Once you are able to get the static events in your planner, you are now able to look at your to-do list and begin to block out your time!
It’s important to remember to not feel as though you need to fill up your ENTIRE week. Things are going to come up and it’s very possible some of your to-dos will take longer than expected.
Be sure to take a few minutes every night to reflect on your day – what were you able to cross off your list? Do any of your priorities need to shift?
4. Share your plan with someone close to you
Sharing your goal with your significant other or close friend does more than keep you accountable, it also makes you more motivated to hit those goals!
Think of telling others your plan as if you are setting it in stone.
Now, others can hold you to it by asking you about the progress you’ve made towards reaching your goal!
This may be the most important secret yet! If you want to reach your goals, remember that you are in control. You get to CHOOSE whether you stick to the plan and accomplish your tasks OR you let distractions get the best of you!
Friend, we LOVE sharing our business tips with you! Be sure to check out this time blocking IGTV posted on our @ChicInfluencer IG: Check it out!
If you are not a member of the Chic Community, we invite you to learn more! When you join the Chic Community your vision becomes our personal goal. With tools, resources, trainings, and community we are personally invested in helping you navigate through the messy middle of building, growing and scaling your business. Click here to learn more today!
When you order the #makechichappen planner you get access to our planner tribe where we give training on how to use the planner plus an amazing community of other business owners who are using social media for business to connect with! Get your #MakeChicHappen Planner today!