Your Guide to Storytelling Marketing

Storytelling marketing is one of the most viable tools for your marketing strategy. This type of strategy truly builds a deeper connection with your audience. Storytelling marketing is all about inspiring your audience so they take action! While creating a staple story may seem simple, it is important to make sure you are telling your story correctly. Your staple story should change the way you show up and the way you write your narrative. As a rule of thumb, it should be less about you and more about connecting with your audience! Today, we are discussing the three key components to crafting your staple story!

Paint the Picture

First, when crafting your staple story, you want to start with where you were before you took action! When you’re painting the beginning picture, include all the emotions and feelings you felt during that time. For example, if before you created your business you couldn’t pay your bills, describe those emotions. Were you defeated, hopeless, depressed? When we share our emotions with others, we allow them to feel connected to our stories. It connects us as humans, and it is a crucial part of your story! Storytelling marketing is all about connecting people and allowing them to feel something through your story!

Therefore, the staple story is not just about YOUR story. It is telling the emotions in your story that allows people to see themselves through your experience. Create your before story with emotions that connect your audience with you. This allows them to feel seen! Storytelling marketing is not a marketing strategy about YOU, this strategy is built on connecting to the feelings of your audience.

storytelling marketing

Craft the Climatic Moment

Second, when developing your storytelling marketing strategy it is important to share the climatic moment of your story. This is the point in the story where people are able to see where you made the change and how you made the change. Your climatic moment should describe:

-Why you couldn’t continue down the path you were on?

-Why you needed more in your life?

-Why you were willing to make changes?

Sharing these parts of your story allows people to see the real human. When you’re using storytelling marketing, you want to show people the turning point in your story. When you connect with others through your turning point, it shows them they may have felt the exact same way as you BUT there is hope to pivot and make a change!

For example, your story may show people that they may feel hopeless, depressed, or defeated. BUT they can easily change their whole current situation with a simple pivot and act of courage!

Part of forming your climatic moment is answering these questions:

-Why did you start a side gig?

-Why did you leave the job you hate?

-Why did you create the business?

When you repeat the turning point over and over again, people will come back and want more!

Connect the Now

Last, the third component of your staple story is connecting everything to where you are now. Where are you now that you decided to make that change? How are things different for you than they were before you made the change?

When developing a storytelling marketing strategy, it is crucial to connect all three components of your story.

  1. Where you were
  2. What change did you make
  3. Where you are now after the change

In this third component, you are really telling people where you are today because you made that one decision! Your purpose is to give people hope that they can have what you have if they take action too! This is the most encouraging and hope filled part of your story! During this component, you are expressing to people that where they are now is not where they have to stay forever!

To summarize, you are showing what is possible for someone else through your staple story. As you walk your audience through your story, you are showing what is possible for THEM. It is all about how you connect with someone else. Less about you and more about where they could be!

As a reminder, “People will not buy what you do. They buy why you do it!”

storytelling marketing

Want To Learn More About Storytelling Marketing?

If you want to learn more about storytelling marketing or how to craft your staple story, be sure to check out this week’s episode of the Make Chic Happen Podcast, “Marketing Your Story: A MUST For Every Business Owner”.

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storytelling marketing