How to Perform a Quick Social Media Audit

Social media growth is a hot topic right now! Everyone is trying to grow their following, increase their engagement, and develop a community. When you aren’t seeing much traction on your social media account, it may be time for a social media audit. But what exactly is a social media audit? A social media audit is a broad overview of what is happening on your social media account. Auditing your account helps you to identify your Thumbprint (read THIS blog post about Thumbprint) and clarify your messaging! Auditing also can help to create cohesion and a successful marketing plan. If you are posting content, but aren’t seeing an increase in sales, following, or engagement an audit is a great solution! Today, we are going to discuss four questions you can ask yourself to perform a quick social media audit on your account.

Cultivating a Connection

The first question to ask yourself when performing your social media audit is “Do I cultivate a connection?”

You should always be cultivating a connection between you and who you best serve. Take a step back, and take a full scope of how you are serving people on your social platforms.

Not only should you be serving your audience, but you should be serving them consistently. Are you consistently showing up and sharing the things your audience loves to hear about? If you are unsure about what your community is most interested in that you share, check out your insights. Your insights are a great way to track your content. If you notice a larger reach or engagement on posts about a particular topic, you can easily assume that your audience is really interested in hearing more about that topic.

When you show up consistently with connection, your audience will want to continue coming back for more! It is important for your audience to feel seen and heard by your content.

Show them something that brings value to them. Your story is not about you. Your story is about how you serve other people. Therefore, when you tell stories, feelings, or thoughts, make sure that they serve your audience in some way. By telling that story about yourself are you inspiring, teaching, giving advice, or bringing hope to your audience?

When you perform your social media audit, evaluate what kind of connection you are building!

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Create Relevant Content

Second, creating relevant content relates easily back to connection as well. When your performing your social media audit, ask yourself- “Do I create relevant content?”

The relevant content you should be creating should be cultivating a connection, but what exactly is relevant content?

Adding relevant content isn’t just throwing out whatever product or service you provide and hoping people opt-in. Before you ever post anything, asking yourself- “What is the purpose of this content?” Is your goal to inform, entertain, or persuade?

The point is to walk people through the process. You aren’t just trying to sell people a product or service. You’re trying to offer people something that could make their life easier, bring joy to their lives, offer a solution to a problem, etc. If you simply see your strategy as selling something, you won’t get very far. You are doing a lot more than just selling something. Start thinking of your content in a broader scope.

Why should people buy your product or service?

How will your product help your target client?

What problems will your product or service offer?

Why is your product or service unique and necessary to purchase?

Once you identify the bigger picture, you can create content around that! Your products or services should tell a story! This is what brings value, not simply just trying to get people to buy something from you.

Go to your insights and see what people are engaging with. See what your audience loves. What messages really resonate with them? Then create relevant content around those messages!

Showing Up Consistently

Next, when performing your social media audit evaluate whether you show up consistently.

Do you show up consistently for your target audience? When it comes to consistency, it is NOT based off what everyone else is doing. Consistency is set by the business owner! What can you actually commit to? Answering this question can help you evaluate what will be consistent for you!

You must set the standard for your level of consistency because there isn’t a one size fits all. 

However, when evaluating your level of consistency it is important to evaluate your level of QUALITY content. Being consistent doesn’t mean throwing up random posts that do not add value. Ask yourself- “How often can I post quality content?”

It is more important to post less often but maintain quality. Quality is always more important than quantity when it comes to social media marketing. When you post content that is not quality, you can easily lose credibility and trust with your audience. This type of strategy does not create a comeback!

Therefore, establish consistent days and times that your audience can expect you to post on socials. When you consistently show up with quality content, you’ll create connection. Connection and consistency go hand in hand!

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Choose Confidence

Last, are you confident about what you are offering people? A great thing to evaluate when performing your social media audit is “Am I creating confidence around the product or service I offer?”

When it comes to what you are endorsing, you have to believe that the experience you offer your customers is unique and different than what your competition offers. 

You should know exactly HOW and WHY you offer your product your service. There should be passion and confidence around it! Do you REALLY believe that YOUR product or service will solve that problem? Do you REALLY believe that YOUR service can make your target audience’s life easier?

The more you believe in your product or service, the more your audience will as well. If you don’t seem too confident, people are less likely to be excited to opt-in.

At the end of the day, if you are a business owner you are using social media to sell your product. You are wanting to add value, but you are also selling something. You can’t be afraid to ask people for the actual purchase! So ask with confidence. In addition, know that you are selling something to BENEFIT them. While them purchasing your product helps you, ultimately it is helping them. Transition your mindset from a selling mindset to a serving mindset.

Last, remember that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Are you passionate and confident in what you are offering? How can you become more confident and passionate about it?

Chic Branding Experience

social media audit

Direct sales can seem saturated, which is why YOUR brand story needs to stand out. With the right message, you can get above the noise and stand out from all the others in your industry, and we can help!
Did you know…
That when you purchase the Chic Branding Experience, not only do you get to have a 1:1 call with Katy Ursta, receive a 25+ page document, but you also receive an ENTIRE MONTH worth of mentorship with your assigned Social Media Specialist?
During those 30 days, this where you get to ask for feedback and receive support when it comes to implementing the strategies and suggestions that we provided for you with your PDF. Seriously though, we are COMMITTED to being your biggest cheerleaders and helping you every single step of the way when it comes to making chic happen on social media!
The Branding Experience is an intensive program where we walk you through how to:
📈uncover your staple story
📈clarify your brand messaging
📈become memorable in the marketplace
📈cultivate community
📈increase brand awareness
Want to learn more or register for the Chic Branding Experience? Click HERE!

Want to Hear More on Social Media Audits?

Check out this week’s Make Chic Happen Podcast episode, “Auditing Your Own Account For Success”.
social media audit