How to Reach Your Goals in 2022

Does goal setting make you nervous? Are you trying to figure out the “secret sauce” so you can reach your goals in 2022? Do you experience self-doubt or imposter syndrome when setting new year goals? Do you set goals only to give up on them shortly after?

Whatever kind of goal setter you are, we have you covered and we are here to help you crush all the goals! If you’re ending this year and assessing your missed goals, don’t allow imposter syndrome and self-doubt to consume you. You may be saying or feeling some of these things-

“Maybe I just shouldn’t be in this business?”

“I am never going to be successful!”

“This is never going to happen for me!”

But we are eradicating all negative self talk out the door! Those thoughts are simply not the truth, and it is time to take actionable steps to move forward. We have ten years of experience in goal setting, hitting goals, missing goals, seeing others give up on their business, etc. So today, we are sharing some simple tips to help you reach your goals this next year.

Avoid Procrastination

First, in 2022 you have to commit to not pushing things off until the third or fourth quarter. Often times, business owners show up more relaxed in the first quarter. There’s plenty of time to still reach those 2022 goals right? Unfortunately, after wasting the first quarter, you may gain a little momentum in the second quarter. But by the third quarter, you haven’t even reached half of your goals. The fourth quarter is not the quarter to pack you whole year goals. It won’t work, and you’ll find it harder and harder to reach your goals every year. Consistency is what wins the game. It’s not about hustling, it’s about being consistent and always showing up. Start identify actionable steps that need to be completed every month and every quarter. Track your progress, and continue being consistent every day. Refuse to make excusing and avoid procrastination at all costs!

Get Out Of Your Way

Next, stop with the self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Want to know the easiest way to not reach your goals? Make up in your head that you aren’t good enough to reach them! Often times, you may play “hokey pokey” with your goals. You’re 100% in one minute, and then your self-doubt appears. Now your not 100% invested in your goals. The back and forth is killing your success! By doing this, you’re getting in your own way, making you incapable of reaching your goals. You can’t move at a normal speed because you keep starting and stopping.

Stop and asking yourself:

Where are you getting in your own way? In what ways am I playing hokey pokey?

Then do something about it! Identify areas of growth, and spend time becoming more self-aware.  To build your confidence and keep you accountable consider joining a small business community, reading a personal development book, finding a business mentor or coach. You have to identify your issue before you can ever make the change! Success is made up of a lot of actions, but it all starts in your thoughts!

Look at Your Circle

Now, take a step back and look at the people you are surrounding yourself with. Are these people successful people? Are they encouraging and uplifting people? Or are you surrounding yourself with people who make excuses about their missed goals? Do they give up and allow you to wallow?

You don’t want to surround yourself with people who are accepting defeat and making excuses. People who validate all the excuses are not the type of people that are going to hold you accountable and push you forward. You need people in your corner who know your goals, see your potential, and push you to not give up. These type of people don’t allow you to make excuses, and they remind you of your dreams. You need people who are encouraging and uplifting to walk with you through the journey!

Reaching your goals could be as simple as filtering through who you’re surrounding yourself with!

Reassess Your Goals

Next, assess your goals. Are your goals connected to what you truly want? When your goals aren’t connected to what you truly want, you won’t be motivated to push hard to make them happen. Selecting goals that do not have any meaning to you are going to be hard to continue working towards when things get hard. When it comes down to do the work, you aren’t going to want to continue working towards it.

Setting goals should be an intentional practice. It should be personal to you and what you want out of life! As you’ve heard us say before, “We aren’t trying to have insta-worthy goals!” Reaching your goals starts by making sure your goals aligned with your values.

Ask yourself these questions:

“Do I want a million dollar business?”

“Do I want to work 40, 60, or 80 hours a week in my business?”

“Am I just wanting some extra income for vacations?”

“Do I need money to pay my groceries?”

“Do I want to just put five hours into my business a week?”

These are critical questions to ask yourself. Figure out what you want and what you’re willing to do to get there. If your goals feel out of alignment, you’ll never reach them.

In addition, remember that it is okay for your goals to evolve with you! You may start with just wanting to pay the groceries, but over time your goals become different. Goals will evolve, but make sure they are evolving to your benefit. Often times, we see other people’s goals and we feel the need to make those are goals. If that’s the case, you’ll constantly be out of alignment and unable to reach your goals. Or you’ll real the goal, and you will find zero satisfaction or fulfillment. Align your goals with what you want!!

Do the Right Work

Don’t just show up and put in the hours! Previously, we have said consistency is what creates success. However, success doesn’t happen by just showing up. Success happens from consistently doing the right work! You can show up and put in the hours, but if you aren’t doing the right type of work, reaching your goals will be difficult.

Maybe you put hours into redesigning your website, taking new headshots, or creating a new logo. All good things, but is that the work that’s going to help you reach your goals? All of those things can be done in your business, but not before doing the work that’s going to get you to your goal. Marketing yourself, your products, and your services is your top priority!

You don’t get a presentation award for showing up! You reach your goals by showing up consistently with the work that prevails. Make things clear by identifying the work that yields results!

Identify the Small Actions

Having big dreams on your vision board may be pretty, but it’s the small actions that help you reach your goals. So often we sit on our pretty vision boards, but you have to be careful to not just dream big and then stop. After visualizing for your vision board, it is crucial that you write down the small actions it will take to get there. Think of the mile markers, action steps, and small wins along the way. 

When you don’t identify the small actions that match your vision, you’ll look at how far away the goal seems. It will seem unattainable, and you are more likely to discredit yourself. Instead, change your perspective! Every day you’re going to show up and do the small action. You’re going to check those few things on your to-do list. They aren’t glorious, most people wouldn’t even notice them. But after a while of consistently accomplishing your small actions, people will start to see your success. Every small win should motivate you to keep going. Eventually, your huge dream won’t seem so unattainable! Your small actions build confidence and bring momentum. Reaching your goals isn’t about dreaming big, it’s about doing one or two small things every day that make that dream more of a reality!

FREE Workshop

We’re inviting you to our workshop, “Chic’s Empowering Vision Board Workshop” on December 28th at 7:00pm EST. We often see people misled and misunderstand how vision boards should work. People think dream big, take massive action. But if you aren’t clear about what you need to do, you won’t ever do it! You won’t ever realize why you can’t reach it and why you are missing your goals. We are here to help you! Katy and Melanie will be sharing how you can take your big dreams and make them a reality!

We would love for you to join us! Register HERE!

In the meantime, we are offering a free resource: The Ultimate Vision Board Checklist! You’ve heard all the hype about vision boards, right? You’ve probably even put a few together in past years, only to look back and wonder why nothing you included ever came true! Listen, it truly isn’t your fault.  You were just never taught the RIGHT way to create a vision board! Download your FREE checklist now and get the guidance you need to know how to create your own vision board! One that can actually inspire and motivate you.reach your goals

Make Chic Happen Podcast

Want more information about reaching your goals? Check out this week’s podcast episode, 7 Truth Bombs About Your Missed Year End Goals! 

reach your goals