It has been an exciting week here at Chic Influencer.  Katy and I (Melanie) hosted a live training last Wednesday on how to step up your social media game and find your ideal clients.  We had over a thousand people registered for the training and hundreds on live.  We got some great feedback from our audience who was able to immediately start to implement the strategies taught in the training.  If you missed the live training there is still time to get the recording.  Chic Influencer Social Media Recording

During the webinar we discussed the importance of social media marketing to your companies bottom line.  How to stand out vs blend in on the feed.  Identifying and finding your ideal clients, curating content with purpose, creating a plan to convert your followers into customers and more.  Katy and I truly see social media as the #1 area where you can grow  your income significantly.  We know the frustration that also comes along with building your account and our goal is to over the next few months really take a deep dive in our community on all things social media.

If you are not yet a part of the community, now is the time!  We have a killer line up with a guest speaker on social media story telling, how to use Instagram live, stories, the newsfeed, ads and more!

PLUS, we are really pumped to announce that the Chic Influencer Website is officially live today!  Check us out at CHIC INFLUENCER WEBSITE.  You can stay up to date on events, courses, trainings, content and more!!! Huge shout out to Mike Ursta our Web Development Specialist AKA Katy’s husband for his amazing work.  Doesn’t it look great!!

Last week on our Monday training call, I talked about how to really get crystal clear on who you want to serve. Finding your ideal audience/client is one of the most important factors in growing your business.  If you are speaking to the masses you truly will blend in and not relate to anyone.  I find that knowing your audience is a sticking point for many business owners.

Here are 3 tips to help you get clear on your avatar:

  1. Who do you find yourself naturally excited to serve?  Now get specific with this.  Do you like serving women with newborns, full time working moms, women who have school age children, newlyweds, women who are single???  Do you love teaching people how to organize their time, set priorities, have more fun in life?  Do you love helping women feel confident in their own skin?  To figure this step out, take notice of when you start to get butterflies in your stomach, that is your niche!!!
  2. What does your ideal client look like?  We all have a visual of the kids of people we are drawn towards.  For me personally I am attracted towards women who are put together, professional, classy, and family oriented.
  3. What are your ideal clients biggest obstacles you can serve?  This is a big one!  Do you want to work with women who are trying to get organized, make their body a priority, instill confidence in women, work with clients who have chronic pain or discomfort?  As a business owner, you can absolutely serve a wide variety of people, but who can you serve BEST!!!

This is just a small part of the avatar presentation but this exercise really does allow you to get clear on who you want and who you want to serve.  It allows you to create content and then ask yourself, “Is this piece of content speaking directly to my niche?”  If not, rewrite it so that you are always hitting your mark!