A morning routine helps establish thankfulness and gratitude is the cornerstone of grit!

I (Katy), a few years ago would never have imagined WILLINGLY getting out of bed an hour or two before everyone else in the house…

Back then, I valued sleep above a routine and rolling out of bed to get to work. That was just how I thought it was done.

Over the past couple of years as I’ve grown my business, my morning routine has shifted to an earlier wake up call and a lot of gratitude.

A Morning Routine Includes Gratitude Work:

First, I start with an old journal from Marshall’s and state at least 10 things I am grateful for. I also use the notebook for a few of my “back pocket prayers.” These are prayers I created as a simple way to remind myself of how to speak to God.

A Morning Routine Includes Soul Work:

Then, I use the @swHw free yearly bible study as well as the @first5 app for my daily Bible reading as well as an interpretation for each reading.

Affirmation Work:

I spend the next few minutes writing and speaking out 10 truths that have yet to be accomplished about my own goals. Then, I  journal out a few of my ideas, frustrations, goals, or worries, so I can give it to Him instead of carrying it myself. I use my journal from Marshall’s (I know, so fancy!)

Personal Work:

Next, I spend about 15-20 minutes of my morning routine reading a book or listening to an audio while i can take notes. Right now I am reading The God Guarantee by Jack Alexander and listening to Take Control of Your Life by Mel Robbins.


Business Work:

I don’t tend to read a personal work book and a business growth work book in the same sitting due to the time available in my morning routine. But, a couple that I am reading right now are Keith Callahan’s Built to Last and Chet Holmes’ The Ultimate Sales Machine.

I find business development books and personal development books both essential to my growth as a business owner.

Then, I revise my calendar for the day and make a few notes. I write out my checklist, as well as loose ends to tie up! The Simplified Planner by Emily Ley is what I use.

Lastly, I drink my morning pre-workout. Then head down to the basement to do a 30-45 minute workout.

I’ve found my morning routine not only helps me organize my day but helps me focus on my own personal and spiritual growth.


You can also watch Katy discuss her morning routine HERE:

Do you have a morning routine, how do you set yourself up for success daily?

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