Personal Development Book Recommendations

One of the most commonly asked questions we get as business owners is what are your favorite personal development books?

So when you ask you shall receive!

There are so many that we have read over the years, but here are some of our all time favorites.


Personal Development Books: Take Control of Your Live

Personal Development Books: The 5 Second Rule

  • You Are A Badass  by Jen Sincero
    • We read this early on in our businesses and it really gut checks you on where you are limiting yourself and not playing to your fullest potential.

Personal Development Books: You Are a Badass


  • Dare to Lead  by Brene Brown
    • This is hands down an all time favorite and must read.  This has truly helped me have the courage to run my business as a leader, have great relationships with those I work with and how to have the conversations needed to grow your organization.  

Personal Development Books: Dare to Lead

Personal Development Books: High Performance Habits

Personal Development Books: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

  • The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
    • We recommend this to all business owners when they launch their business.  If you have never built a business before then this allows you to understand and expect the ebbs and flows of  business ownership.

Personal Development Books: The Compound Effect


Personal Development Books: Get Over Your Damn Self

Personal Development Books: The Miracle Morning


Personal Development Books: Finish


Personal Development Books: Didn't See It Coming


Personal Development Books: Find Your Why


Drop your favorite below and why! We would love recommendations from you too!

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You can watch us cover these in video format too! Check it out HERE!