“Her business is thriving so much more than mine on social media” 
“I wish I could eat that healthy”
“Should my kids be involved in that many sports?”
“I could never afford that”
Social Media Comparison. Am I right? Can we agree we are all guilty of it?
Growing up, comparison was looking at models in magazines and actresses in movies and for the most part, day dreaming of a ‘fantasy lifestyle’ (like marrying Justin Timberlake) yet still being able to snap back to reality and head to Math class.
Over the past 10+ years, there has been a MAJOR shift in society … enter the world of social media.
If we are being honest, the concept of social media is incredible. We have a digital platform to not only stay in touch & reconnect with family and friends but we are able to ask our ‘friends’ for recommendations and promote businesses. And most importantly, we can showcase to the entire world all of the highs in our lives like engagements, birthdays, weddings, pregnancies, graduations.
Unfortunately, what people don’t always see (or advertise) are the lows….life’s nitty gritty.
They don’t show the 30 minute temper tantrum prior to getting the ‘perfect family photo’
They don’t show the fast food lunch prior to the green smoothie dinner.
They don’t show the late nights and early mornings of building a business.
The reality is, people are constantly showcasing the best aspects of their life onto social media. They don’t show the unhappy times .. they don’t show REAL LIFE.
Steven Furtick, founder and lead pastor at Elevation Church said it best, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel”
The feeling of disappointment when scrolling through our newsfeed often results from comparing our true reality to our “friends’” perfectly ‘instagrammed’ realities. You are essentially taking away from your precious life and the blessings surrounding you based off of what you THINK life is supposed to be.
Reality is lost on social media. We emphasize the best versions of ourselves instead of the real versions. It’s no secret that life can be hard, ugly, and downright MESSY!
But the GOOD NEWS is, you have the control to change how social media influences your life! Below are a few tips to help you remove comparison through social media and focus on the important things (ahm, like being a #bossbabe!)
Limit your time of social media
If you use social media to build your business, you may think this is impossible. But guess what, it doesn’t have to be!
#DIDYOUKNOW: There are software programs out there that will allow you to schedule your posts? Not only can this cut down on your ‘scrolling time’ but it can open up your calendar to focus on improving your business!
You should schedule a certain amount of time each day to work on engagement, invites etc! Set a timer for 30 minutes and get to work! This will help limit your distractions and keep focused!
Follow people who inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself
I am sure you’ve heard the term surround yourself with people who inspire you.
Not only should you keep this in mind in your own life, but let this be a driving factor with who you follow! It’s important to surround yourself with those whose mission aligns with your goals and aspirations.
Unfollow those who make you feel ‘not enough’ (even when it’s not their intention!)
If when you open Instagram and have a quick scroll you start to have negative feelings, then it’s time to change.
We feel an obligation to those we’ve crossed paths with. You know, someone in your business or an old high school friend. But, if this account makes you think twice about what you are (or not) doing. It’s not worth it!
Social Media is what YOU make it! Despite the negativity, it CAN be used for GOOD. Once you are able to take comparison away, you can keep your eye on the finish line!
So go ahead, surround yourself with people who inspire you and your goals and remove those who don’t.
And always remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent!
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