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  • How to understand the trends of social media.
  • How to leverage social selling.
  • The strategy on how to cultivate engagement through connection.
  • How to connect your social media content to your business goals.

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We are so excited to have Elise Joan on the podcast with us today, where we will talk about finding positivity and purpose in a pandemic. You are just really going to enjoy Elise’s message. She genuinely loves listening to people’s stories, and helping them work through challenges to help them live a fulfilling life. Picture of Elise Joan sitting cross-legged and making a heart symbol with her two hands in front her chest. The picture supports her talk on positivit, purpose & pandemic.Elise Joan is the co-creator of the best selling, inaugural yoga program for Beachbody, and a top lifestyle/yoga influencer for LIVESTRONG. She has been a celebrity trainer, and published Fitness Writer, and her passion is creating innovative and inspiring programming that celebrates our bodies, and gives us tools to create our most vibrant life! When you look on her social media for the very first time, people are going to be like “this woman has it all, she has it all figured out.” Her account truly looks so effortless all while radiating positivity, light, joy, and happiness. Elise says that certainly doesn’t have it all figured out, but she does have a practice that helps her maintain positivity. As a forty-year-old, she feels more physically and mentally healthy than she ever has.

Elise’s Story

Elise grew up in Manhattan with parents who pushed her to meet her goals and grow her imagination. Then, she went to college in Virginia as a pre-med student, because she just had this love of movement. Elise felt movement was a way to express myself. Halfway through college, she decided to be an actor, and not be a med student, which was a challenge for Elise’s family. She pounded the pavement and did some Broadway tours where she got to perform on stage for thousands of people, but Elise ended up getting a vocal injury, which was her first big challenge. Her career was going really well, and was reaching the point where her time was coming, and then one doctors visit and it was over. She let myself feel emotions about it for a little bit, and then realized she had to move forward, which is really how she got into yoga, and learned how to listen. With her vocal injury, she couldn’t talk, so she was forced to listen. Elise also listened to herself on how she could move forward. Elise began teaching barre, but got certified in everything from heavy lifting, to palates, to cardio. And then saw a vision to speak to entrepreneurs out there. She realized people did not want to do DVDs, so she started her own website and business. She created 10 minute workouts, 14 in each one, that included yoga, dance, and barre. And allowed people to create their own workouts using that. She had to think about how she could broaden my scope, make some income, and stand out from the competition.

Leaning Into Your Calling in a Pandemic

I (Katy) always say don’t pray for things to end, pray for him to show you what he wants to show you: perspective. Now, I’ve been saying open my eyes, tell me what I can do with it and what I can become through it. That normal that you were once comfortable with, isn’t the option anymore. And being able to redirect by leaning into your calling is so key. Yes, it looks like we are going to be in this a lot longer, how can we make this work for us? Elise has practiced praying in gratitude using thank you statements. Instead of asking for things to change, show gratitude. Instead of trying to open closed doors, learn appreciation for the small things through this opportunity

Maintaining Positivity Despite Rejection

Elise has learned to be positive. Getting constantly rejected in a field you are successful in, every amazing job comes with like 5,000 rejections, and her dad is my guru in these situations. Her dad pointed out he said, “if you’re going to choose this line of work, you have to learn to practice being happy.”

Elise’s Daily Routine

Elise wakes up at about 5:15 to give her an hour of time that is hers. She makes coffee, and then does morning meditation. She goes out on the balcony, and does her prayer and gratitude list of what she is thankful for. Instead of putting a bunch of things on her to do list, Elise puts three non-negotiable things. These are the 3 things she has to commit to do. Then her husband wakes up, and they go for a walk with her dog completely unplugged from their phones. She gives herself a reward at the end of the day that is a non-food item. Elise strongly believes that starting your day intentionally with gratitude can be very valuable now more than ever before.

How Elise Quiets the Social Media Competition to Maintain Positivity

Her entire life she has been in a competitive track. She quiets the noise by muting people on Instagram. What we ingest matters, and that doesn’t just go for food, that goes for our stimulus. If someone’s feed is negative, or something that triggers her, she mutes them. Especially now, the news can induce panic, and it was making her anxious, she will turn that off. Elise strongly believes that as women we need to be supporting one another, especially when trying to balance positivity, purpose & pandemic.

Taking a Different Approach to Comparison to Find Your Purpose

Comparison is not an either or, it’s “what are you doing that inspires people?” If I do well, you do well. We show women that we can create value in each other’s success. “Each of us in our success elevates the success of others.” Elise does fall into the comparison trap from time to time, when she does she makes sure to focus on what ultimately makes her heart come alive. Mostly what she is good at and passionate about is the mind, heart, body, connection which sets her apart and help her stay positive. That is her authentic truth, and it makes her heart come alive. Instead of thinking these thoughts: “Is it glamorous enough?” “Does it look good enough or challenging enough?” She encourages you to instead remind yourself that if you operate from a place of abundance, there is space for everyone who is offering something of value. Elise wants to leave people with the following, “if we can use the challenges that we face that might stop other people from using them as opportunities to grow and learn, you have two ways of looking at it”. This will help us balance positivity, purpose & pandemic. #1 I’m trapped, or #2 I’m looking inward to grow. What way are you currently looking at this current challenge that we have been faced with? Want to learn even more from our interview with Elise? Be sure to listen to Episode 56 of the Make Chic Happen podcast HERE. To learn more about Elise Joan and how she balances positivity, purpose & pandemic click HERE.