Download The Proven Strategy Thousands of Network Marketers Use To Increase Sales & Sign-Ups During Their Annual Convention

The Direct Sellers Guide To Marketing: Convention Edition is here!

Direct Sales Annual Convention

Download Your Guide Now!

Whether you’re attending the annual company convention, leadership event, or rewards trip, you will see increased engagement and visibility on your social media because people are curious about how you earned the trip and what you are doing, but do you know what to do with that increased visibility? 

We do!  You don’t want to miss an opportunity to capitalize on this increased visibility!  

In this convention guide, we teach you our three-part strategy for maximizing visibility and turning followers into customers and team members around your annual convention.

Use this guide to prepare for a convention ahead of time and ensure that your social media content evokes conversation and creates FOMO toward your network marketing business opportunity and products.

Follow this guide and watch your ideal clients and team members storming your inbox asking how they can sign up now!

Download The Proven Strategy Thousands of Network Marketers Use To Increase Sales & Sign-Ups During Their Annual Convention

The Direct Sellers Guide To Marketing: Convention Edition is here!

Direct Sales Annual Convention

Whether you’re attending the annual company convention, leadership event, or rewards trip, you will see increased engagement and visibility on your social media because people are curious about how you earned the trip and what you are doing, but do you know what to do with that increased visibility? 

We do!  You don’t want to miss an opportunity to capitalize on this increased visibility!  

In this convention guide, we teach you our three-part strategy for maximizing visibility and turning followers into customers and team members around your annual convention.

Use this guide to prepare for a convention ahead of time and ensure that your social media content evokes conversation and creates FOMO toward your network marketing business opportunity and products.

Follow this guide and watch your ideal clients and team members storming your inbox asking how they can sign up now!

Hey there! It’s Katy and Melanie!

Katy and Melanie looking at the camera, smiling.

When you decide to cannonball yourself into action- without reservation or limiting beliefs the next level of opportunity begins to reveal itself to you. 

We (Katy and Melanie) firmly believe that when success is the ONLY option, you show up differently.  You conduct business with a sense of urgency and you hold yourself to a higher standard.  Melanie has achieved 4x Top Distributor within her direct sales company and mastered the art of recruiting working team members.  Katy scaled her business 300% while battling cancer and went on to earn 7 figures through the opportunity.  Together we have 21+ years of combined direct sales experience.  Now we teach women in network marketing to our proven framework to massive success without the burn out.  

We know that you are worthy of the goals in your heart and we know that the work will be worth it!  It is NOW time for you to decide that for yourself and boldly step into the future that is yours for the taking!

See you on the 13th!

Rooting for you!